Funeral bouquets are a tribute that exudes sympathy.
All our funeral bouquets are made with care and delivered by the best local funeral florist.
We can deliver a funeral bouquet throughout the Netherlands at any desired location. Such as in churches, funeral homes, care homes, cemeteries, funeral homes or other special locations.
Our customer service is ready to help you with any questions or other specific wishes
Send a Funeral bouquetSend a funeral bouquet for a funeral or cremation. Our range of funeral bouquets or funeral flowers is divided into styles. What kind of person was the deceased? What kind of flowers did he or she like? Further is the assortment and the season availability taken into account.
A funeral bouquet that keeps love alive. A romantic soft look. Compiled with care and craftsmanship by the local Florist.
Serene white funeral bouquet presented horizontally, composed with great care by the Local Fleurop Florist. Delivered to the Church, Funeral Home, or Crematorium.
Warm, bright colors let the precious feeling speak. This Funeral bouquet has been composed with great care and craftsmanship by our local Fleurop Florist.
A colorfully composed Funeral bouquet in landscape form. An asymmetrical bouquet that reflects the love and loss you feel.
Lying Funeral bouquet 'Hidden present' with various colored flowers such as strelitzias, gerberas, protea and green material.
Reclining bouquet in the Summer Wind style. The Funeral bouquet is made of various flowers, including roses and gloriosa in soft tones.
Lying white Funeral bouquet with flowers such as ornithogalum, eustoma, calla and hydrangea. Depending on the availability of flowers, the composition may vary slightly.
A reflection of all the special memories you have of the deceased. Colorful, Loving and special.
Lying white Funeral bouquet with various white flowers and green material. Depending on the availability of flowers, the composition may differ slightly from the photo.
Reclining Funeral bouquet with flowers such as larkspur, hydrangea, agapanthus, gerbera, roses, limonium, snapdragon, loosestrife and green material. Depending on the availability of flowers, the composition may vary slightly.
A beautifully bound Funeral bouquet of red roses and different types of greens.
The beauty of "eternal love" is expressed in this beautiful Funeral bouquet through its tender composition. The combination of flowers can be adjusted by the florist due to the available seasonal flowers.
A funeral bouquet or mourning bouquet is a 'lying and tied flat bouquet' and that will presented nearby the coffin at the funeral. Because a mourning bouquet gets no water (no floral foam is used) it is important that it is delivered by our local Funeral florist the day before or on the day of the funeral.
Are you looking for a funeral arrangement that does use floral foam? Please see Oval and Teardrop shapes, Biedermeier or Flower casket covers.
We know that saying goodbye is difficult and heavy. Whatever the circumstances are, it's tough and often incomprehensible. How do you say goodbye to someone for good when you don't want to? We understand what such a moment means and would like to help to provide the best possible goodbye. By making it personal. A goodbye that really suits someone. A funeral bouquet with red roses would also be a good option.
We always deliver the funeral bouquet to a location of your choice for example: a church, funeral home or crematorium. Our florists ensure that the flowers are delivered at the right time and that the Florist are at their very best.
During the ordering process of the funeral bouquet, we need some extra information. So when ordering the funeral bouquet, keep the following information at hand:
Do you have questions or are you in doubt about something? Contact our contact customer service.
We understand what this moment means and would like to help to provide the best possible goodbye. By making it personal. A goodbye that really suits someone.
Our range of funeral bouquets is divided into different styles. Based on memories and/or character traits, you choose a style that suits the deceased. Whatever style you choose, a funeral bouquet at a funeral, cremation or memorial ensures a beautiful and dignified farewell.
The funeral bouquets are available in various styles.
After we have received the order and payment, we will immediately start working on your funeral flower order.
In some places you can order until and after 13:00 for same day delivery.
Order a Funeral bouquet.
Read more about sameday flower delivery or contact us by phone or email.
When ordering a funeral bouquet, we need additional information to ensure that the funeral bouquet is delivered at the right time and at the right location. That is why we ask for the funeral date for the delivery and the complete address of the funeral location.
Send Funeral Flowers.
Do you want a unique customized funeral bouquet? Then let our professional florist compose a customized bouquet based on your wishes. Choose price, color and style.
Order easily and quickly via Flowers.NL. Your online florist for flower delivery throughout the Netherlands
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