Glass vases

Complete your gift with a beautiful vase.

Add a nice matching vase to your flower order and our florist will place the bouquet directly on the vase. The flowers have been cut diagonally by the florist and the vase is provided with the correct dose of cut flower food.

So that the recipient only has to unwrap your gift.


Field bouquet delivered in vase

Completely contemporary, a loose bouquet of different types of seasonal flowers brought together in a matching glass vase. Would you also like to have a fantastic seasonal bouquet delivered in a vase, as a gift for an acquaintance, for yourself or for work? Our florist makes beautiful seasonal bouquets in all kinds of colors and combinations, and is happy to choose a matching vase for you.

Order flowers with vase

If you want to order one of our bouquets of flowers in a vase, you can easily do so online. You can even choose the desired delivery date, we deliver from Monday to Saturday! If you order a beautiful bouquet of flowers in a vase, you can't just add a card with a personal text. It is also possible to add one of our other gifts to your order, for example a bottle of wine or a box of chocolate.

It is possible that the vase differs from the image shown. This is because we work with more than 1,050 florists. The vase is selected depending on their range. The store lwill select a vase that looks like the image shown and fits in as well as possible with the bouquet you ordered.