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Our Local Florist use only the most beautiful Flowers to design and arrange these bouquet personally. Flowers will be delivered by our local Florist in the Netherlands. You can select the bouquets by theme or occasion. Send flowers is fast and easy on Flowers.NL
First of all, very nice that you want to surprise someone by having a beautiful bouquet delivered. Our florists cannot wait to convey this feeling on your behalf. That is what they prefer to do. Each bouquet is personally handed over by the local florist, unless of course that person is not at home at that time ... But then he will see if the neighbors are at home or if he can come by at another time. Who would you like to order & send a Bouquet of flowers for?
Every season, flowers.nl has a new selection of bouquets. We also provide special bouquets for special moments, such as Mother's Day, Valentine's Day and Christmas. Naturally, when selecting new bouquets, the very latest is taken into account and, of course, which flowers match the season and are available.
In spring you will find the tulip, Anemone and Ranunculus in the bouquets, around May / June the peony can be admired in full and the sunflower is of course indispensable in the summer. Or do you want to order roses? These are of course not missing in our range.
Not sure if the name of a bouquet fits the occasion. Know that the name of a bouquet is not mentioned anywhere during the delivery. So you can always choose a bouquet that you find beautiful and that matches the recipient.
Remember, you can always give flowers to some else. However some days are so special that we've put together some interesting facts about them. They may inspire you to surprise someone with flowers. To find out more about them, click on the individual days.
Mother's Day is on a different date every year as it is celebrated on the second Sunday in May. The historical reason for this date is the fact that in Europe wild flowers bloom in nature around this date so that children can pick them for their mother. Flowers on the kitchen table make the living room a beautiful spectacle
In the spring you will find the tulip, anemone and Ranunculus in the bouquets, around May / June the peony can be fully admired and the sunflower is of course indispensable in the summer. Or would you like to order a beautiful bouquet of roses? These are of course not missing from our range, just like a nice bottle of perfume or a rituals gift package.
Valentine's Day on February 14 is of course the perfect day to surprise your (silent) loved one with a beautiful Valentine's bouquet. Our Valentine gifts are suitable for him and her. On Valentine's Day, the flowers are delivered and your love can enjoy a romantic Valentine's gift
Do you doubt whether the name of a bouquet fits the occasion? Then know that the name of a bouquet is not mentioned anywhere during delivery. So you can always choose a bouquet that you like and that suits the recipient.
On Thursday, April 20, 2023 it is Secretary Day. On this day, all secretaries in the Netherlands are put in the spotlight by their employer or colleagues. With the aim of reflecting on what they mean to the organization. But isn't this day also a good time to put all employees in the spotlight? Secretary's Day gift idea! a beautiful Rituals gift package
International Women's Day, will be celebrated on March 8 in 2023! With its roots dating back to the early 20th century, this holiday is as popular internationally as Valentine's Day. Rather than being a romantic celebration, IWD is an opportunity to celebrate all the special women in your life - be it a mother, wife, daughter, friend or co-worker!
Anyone who thinks that fathers don't like flowers will soon be disappointed. Of course, fathers like flowers just like mothers. It is therefore not at all strange to give your father a beautiful bouquet of flowers on Father's Day, for example, or to surprise a beautiful plant for the garden. Take a look at our page with all father's day gifts
Would you like to order & send a bouquet of flowers today? If you order the flowers before 1 p.m. the bouquet of flowers will be delivered today by the local florist. You can order before noon on Saturday. Unfortunately, you cannot send a bouquet on Sundays and public holidays, unless stated otherwise. Exceptions are Mother's Day or Valentine's Day.
More than 1,000 independent florists are affiliated with our network. Every bouquet that is ordered via Flowers.NL is composed with the greatest care by this local florist. They will also deliver the bouquet.
The flowers of our florist are always fresh from the flower auction. This gives them the guarantee that the bunch of flowers stays beautiful in the vase for 7 days. The recipient can also ensure that a bouquet lasts an extra long time. Always cut the cut flowers diagonally and do not forget that the leaves do not end up in the water, these leaves can rot in the water. Also, never place the flowers close to a fruit bowl, as a result of which flowers will age faster. More tips? Read the Flower care tips.