p2751 no longer available

    Delivery time:For a combined delivery order 2-3 working days in advance.
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p2751 is no longer available

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Customers rate us with an average of 9.8

Local Florist

We only work with the best local Florists

Same Day  Delivery

Order on working days before 13:00 and on Saturday before 12:00

Flowers with warranty

The local florist gives a 7-day vase guarantee.

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Prices are inclusive of VAT and excluded € 8.95 delivery and handling costs. The shown example of the bouquet/arrangement is the medium size. Flowers are a natural product, the bouquets delivered may vary in color and composition due to seasonal and availability influences. Subject to changes and (printing) errors. All times mentioned are Local Dutch times.

This package cannot be selected for same day delivery.

Take into account 1-3 days lead time due to package delivery by DHL. All Rituals products are shipped from the central warehouse of our logistics partner to the florist, or directly in the event of a short lead time or unforeseen logistical circumstances.