Greeting Cards

Make your gift even more personal with a special greeting card with your order.

A beautifully wrapped bouquet is not complete without a personal message from the giver. With the introduction of their own greeting cards, the Fleurop florist supplies an attractive card with every bouquet, where you can choose from various text options. Click on Send a bouquet of Flowers to select a bouquet with a special greeting card.

Take a look here for inspirational texts for Mother's Day, Valentine's Day or just a romantic text.


The card printed with your text will be placed in a closed envelope by the florist.
The envelope is attached to the inside of the packaging with a clip.
The service folder with care tips and cut flower food is attached to a sturdy flower.

How will my bouquet be wrapped or packaged?

Each bouquet is composed with care and love by the local Fleurop professional florist. In this video we show you how your bouquet is packed. The end result is a warm exclusive packaging of the bouquet you ordered.

A beautifully wrapped bouquet is not complete without a personal message from the giver. With the introduction of its own greeting cards, Fleurop supplies an attractive card with every bouquet, whereby the customer can choose from various text options.

You can choose the standard greeting card or a deluxe greeting card. You can also have your own photo printed. With this you make your flower delivery even more complete

With this we also respond to the important trend of making your gift more personal. The greeting card is placed in a beautiful gold envelope. This also ensures privacy.