Blue flowers

Blauwe bloemen

Are you looking for a bouquet with blue flowers? View our collection of bouquets with blue flowers.

Send blue flowers.

Blue flowers symbolizes divinity and eternity, but also (once again) innocence. For example, blue flowers can be given at the birth of a boy.

Are you looking for a bouquet with blue flowers? Our professional florists have put together a beautiful collection of bouquets with blue flowers. These are available in different styles such as. Traditional bouquets, Picked Bouquets, Field bouquets and many other types of bouquets.

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Deliver blue flowers.

Are you looking for a bouquet of Blue flowers? Above we have put together a collection of bouquets for you.

Order Blue flowers today.

Would you like to have a bouquet of Blue flowers delivered today. You can order the bouquet with Blue flowers before 13:00 (Saturdays before 12:00) and our florist will deliver the bouquet the same day.

Deliver blue bouquet.

A beautiful fresh and sleek Blue bouquet of flowers is something that fits perfectly in any interior. Whether it is a very modern or a very classic interior? Our local florist always knows how to make something beautiful out of it.

Meaning of Blue flowers.

Blue flowers are generally associated with delicateness and elegance. They have long stood for purity and are used in ceremonies celebrating innocence. They are also linked to health. Some blue flowers are associated with cosmetic, sleeping and spa products, as they are closely associated with beauty.

Blue flowers are not only beautiful flowers, but also very practical and attractive. For example, Lavender flowers are often dried and hung in rooms and closets to give off a wonderful scent that also repels moths. The ancient Romans were known for adding lavender flowers to their baths.

Three of the most popular blue flowers to give or receive are Grape Hyacinths, Anemone and Hyacinths.

Grapefruits: innocence, purity
Anemone: beauty, luxury, strength
Hyacinth: dignity, trust, truth

Care tips for cut flowers.