We make the Sympathy bouquet "Farewell" as a bouquet on a vase, in that way the flowers are presented nicely during the funeral. It is usually placed by the funeral director next to the coffin or together with other pieces in a nice place around the coffin. Because a Sympathy bouquet "Farewell" in a vase is suitable, it is also possible to have the bouquet delivered to the family's home. So that they know well before the funeral that you are thinking of them.
The local funeral florist will arrange this funeral bouquet with great care and craftsmanship and deliver it to the funeral ceremony on time
Prices include VAT and exclude € 8.95 shipping and handling costs. The image shown is the medium bouquet/arrangement. Our bouquets and arrangements are hand tied or processed and personally made by a local florist. They may therefore differ slightly from the image, in color and composition, depending on the season, fluctuating purchase prices and availability. Changes and (printing) errors reserved.All times mentioned are Local Dutch times.
You choose a delivery date yourself, however to get a complete picture, we also ask the date and time of the funeral (if known). The water supply in the floral foam is limited. That is why we advise to deliver a few days before the ceremony.
This way you can be sure that the flowers are beautiful at the ceremony.
Choosing flowers for a funeral is very personal. We have a wide range of funeral work and it is also possible to process your personal wishes in an to a funeral flower arrangement. We always handle orders for a funeral or funeral with extra care and urgency. For questions or advice you can always call us 085-2732330, email or send a WhatsApp message for a quick response also on weekends.
A&A Artistics BV - ©1995-2025 Flowers.NL® - Duiven-Arnhem - Amsterdam
Images: Fleurop Fleurop Interflora Nederland bv | Bloemen Bureau Holland
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