Embrace luxury and pampering with the Home Spa Palace of Orient Set + Bouquet of Pink Splendor!
Be transported to an enchanting place of opulence and relaxation with the exclusive Palace of Orient Set from Douglas Home Spa, combined with the beautiful Bouquet of Pink Splendor. This irresistible combination promises an opulent and sensory experience, straight to your home.
Bouquet of Pink Splendor:
Bring the beauty of nature into your home with the Pink Splendor Bouquet. This carefully composed bouquet combines various pink flowers into a visual feast of color and beauty. The enchanting scent of the flowers brings a touch of freshness and elegance to any room.
Together, the Palace of Orient Set and the Pink Splendor Bouquet form a luxurious experience for body and mind. Treat yourself to pure luxury or give this graceful duo as a gift that caresses the senses. Create an atmosphere of royal relaxation with the Douglas Home Spa Palace of Orient Set + Bouquet of Pink Splendor.