Spoil your mother on Mother's Day with this beautiful bouquet "Gift package "De luxe" The bouquet is composed with soft pink tones and includes beautiful roses and other flowers that fit perfectly with this special day. In addition, the bouquet comes with fair chocolate, packed in a beautiful box. A gift that your mother will certainly enjoy! Including matching glass vase
A bouquet that is perfect for lovers of surprises is "Gift Package "De luxe" It is assembled and bound by hand by a local florist, making each bouquet unique. This bouquet For "Gift Package "De luxe" is a tied bouquet with a changing composition, so that you have a new experience every time. It is important to know that the actual composition of the bouquet For "Gift package "De luxe" may differ from the image due to the season and availability of some flowers. So if you are looking for a beautiful bouquet that surprised, then "Gift package "De luxe" is the perfect choice!