All Visa, American Expresse, Mastercard creditcard and debitcards that are compliant with 3D secure are accepted by our payment provider Multisafepay.
How my data is secure?
All your creditcard payment data is secure handled by Multisafepay is top the Payment Services Provider in Europe.
The easiest way to pay in stores. Using ApplePay in combination with your iPhone, Apple Watch It's fast and safer than entering your PIN.
All our applepay transactions are handled by Multisafepay
The easiest way to pay in stores. Using GooglePay in combination with your Android device It's fast and safer than entering your PIN.
All our GooglePay transactions are handled by Multisafepay
Using PayPal you can make a payment through an e-mail address of the recipient using a credit card, bank account or receive money in the account. Depositing money from you account to a bank account is also possible with PayPal
You can reach us through:
Phone +3185 2732330