Let love bloom with this beautiful bouquet of 12 or 24 roses in different red and pink shades. This simple but special combination of colors makes this bouquet unique and dazzling.
These flowers are perfect to surprise someone special. Whether for your loved one, a family member or a friend, these roses are sure to impress. The unexpected combination of shades shows that love does not always have to be traditional, but can be celebrated in all its diversity.
Each rose is carefully selected and hand-tied to ensure that only the most beautiful specimens end up in the bouquet. With their lush petals and enchanting scent, these roses will brighten up any space and create a feeling of warmth and affection.
Whether you're celebrating a birthday, anniversary or just a special day, this bouquet is the perfect choice. Let these beautiful flowers speak for your loving feelings and show someone how much they mean to you.
Order this breathtaking bouquet of 12 or 24 beautiful roses today and impress the person who makes your heart beat faster.
Composition: a.o. Roses
Vase is optional