The Valentine's Bouquet "Je t'aime" is the perfect way to show your love to someone special. This beautiful bouquet consisting of White flowers with pink hearts. (the type and color of the hearts may vary due to the available stock at the florist). The bouquet is professionally composed by our florists and comes beautifully packaged, ready to give to your loved one.
But what makes the bouquet "Je t'aime" really unique is the personal A5 greeting card that comes with it. Choose from our large collection of Valentine's cards. And write your personal message on it, making the bouquet even more special. Whether it's a declaration of love or a reminder of a special occasion, this card is a unique way to share your feelings.
The Valentine's Bouquet "Je t'aime" is available for delivery on Valentine's Day or on a date of your choice. Order now and surprise your loved one with these beautiful flowers and personal greeting card.
Vase is optional