The "Glorious Colors" bouquet is a traditional bouquet with a beautiful combination of orange, red, and accents of purple and pink flowers. The colors are perfectly matched and create a harmonious whole. This bouquet is suitable as a gift for various occasions, such as birthdays or anniversaries. The bouquet has a festive appearance and is sure to be appreciated by the recipient. The composition of the bouquet may vary depending on the availability of seasonal flowers.
Bouquet "Glorious Colors" is perfect for lovers of surprises! The "Glorious Colors" bouquet is traditional composed by hand by a local florist and is therefore unique. The bouquet "Glorious Colors" has a traditional round shaped designed and is unique due to its changing composition, so that you have a new experience every time. Please note that the composition of the "Glorious Colors" bouquet may differ from the image shown due to the seasonality and availability of some flowers. So if you are looking for a beautiful bouquet that surprises time and time again, this bouquet "Glorious Colors" is the perfect choice!
Composition: a.o.
Vase is optional