Surprise your trendy mom on Mother's Day with this colorful bouquet! The "Trendy Mom" bouquet features a mix of beautiful flowers in various shades of orange and pink, including Gerbera, Rose, Phlox Violier, and several grasses. A small touch of lilac adds a playful and unexpected effect. This bouquet is the perfect way to show your mom how much you love her!
A bouquet that is perfect for lovers of surprises is "Trendy Mom"! It is created by hand by a local florist, making each bouquet unique. This bouquet is bouquet with a changing composition, so you have a new experience every time. It is important to note that the actual composition of the bouquet may differ from the image based on seasonality and availability of some flowers. So if you are looking for a beautiful bouquet that surprises time and time again, then "Trendy Mom" is the perfect choice!
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