Heart of Winter Bouquet
A light, hand-tied bouquet with rich red flowers such as Amaryllis, roses, and gerberas, beautifully combined with various greenery. The Heart of Winter Bouquet is the perfect choice for the cold winter months, when the warmth of color and nature is most appreciated. The bold red tones combined with the fresh green bring a joyful and lively atmosphere that instantly brightens any winter space. It’s a wonderful way to surprise someone or to bring a wintery touch to your home.
Winter Warmth:
The combination of deep red and green reflects the warmth and beauty of winter, while the fresh greenery adds a touch of life and energy to the cold days. This bouquet is a timeless choice that always makes a striking impression with its classic colors.
This airy arrangement includes:
- Amaryllis for a bold, luxurious touch.
- Roses for romance and elegance.
- Gerberas for playfulness and color.
- Various greenery like pine branches, eucalyptus, and holly, enhancing the winter vibe.
Why choose this bouquet?
- An ideal choice for the heart of winter, with the warmth of red flowers and fresh green.
- Perfect for surprising someone or as a stylish winter decoration for your home.
- Uniquely arranged by a local florist, making each bouquet special.
- Vase is optional.