Sparkling Bouquet
A cheerful and fresh pastel-colored bouquet full of sparkling handpicked flowers and a few roses, combined with a delightful bottle of prosecco. This bouquet is the perfect gift to say thank you, brighten someone's day, or surprise them with a special treat. The soft colors and joyful flowers immediately bring a smile, while the prosecco adds a celebratory touch.
Fresh Cheerfulness:
The soft pastel hues of this bouquet, combined with the lively flowers, create an energetic and joyful vibe. It’s a beautiful gesture for any occasion when you want to show someone you’re thinking of them.
This fresh and vibrant arrangement includes:
- Eustoma for an elegant touch.
- Roses for a romantic and refined note.
- Snapdragon for extra color and playfulness.
Why choose this bouquet?
- A perfect gift for various occasions such as thank-yous, birthdays, or surprises.
- The combination of flowers and prosecco offers a festive experience.
- Uniquely assembled by a local florist, making each bouquet special.
- Vase is optional.