Bouquet "Happy New Year Celebration"
For an unforgettable New Year Celebration, choose this beautiful bouquet. A cheerful and festive mix of flowers brought together in this bouquet, perfect for making your New Year’s Eve party even more special. Delivered by our local florist, who will also make sure to include the Bottega Bubbly in its elegant golden bottle. A perfect way to ring in the new year with style and flair.
- A cheerful and festive bouquet with a varied mix of seasonal flowers
- Includes a luxurious bottle of Bottega Prosecco in a stylish golden bottle
- Ideal for treating friends, family, or yourself during the festive celebration
Optional Extra:
Complete the bouquet with a stylish vase for a refined presentation.
Note: The bouquet’s composition may vary depending on availability, but our florists always ensure a stunning final result.