Sweet Christmas Gift Set

Fleurop Flowers.NL
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Order this tasteful combination - Sweet Christmas Gift Set

Christmas Bouquet "Sweet Christmas"
Celebrate Christmas in style with the stunning Christmas Bouquet "Sweet Christmas", a vibrant and colorful arrangement that's perfect for the holiday season. This festive bouquet, crafted with the finest seasonal flowers, is a true showstopper and the ideal gift to surprise someone special or treat yourself.

What makes this bouquet even more special is the addition of three luxurious chocolates, elegantly packaged. These artisan chocolates bonbons, filled with creamy praline, are a delightful indulgence that completes the gift. A combination of floral beauty and delectable treats that makes Christmas truly magical.


  • A vibrant bouquet of gorgeous seasonal flowers
  • Includes three luxurious chocolates with creamy praline filling
  • Perfect for gifting or enjoying during the festive season
  • A unique way to add a sweet and festive touch to Christmas

Optional Extra:
Add an elegant vase to complete the presentation.

Note: The bouquet's composition may vary depending on availability, but our florists ensure a beautiful and festive result every time.

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Local Florist

We only work with the best local Florists

Same Day  Delivery

Order on working days before 13:00 and on Saturday before 12:00

Flowers with warranty

The local florist gives a 7-day vase guarantee.

Prices are inclusive of VAT and excluded € 8.95 delivery and handling costs. The shown example of the bouquet/arrangement is the medium size. Flowers are a natural product, the bouquets delivered may vary in color and composition due to seasonal and availability influences. Subject to changes and (printing) errors. All times mentioned are Local Dutch times.

Flower Care tips

A few tips so the recipient can enjoy the flowers for a longer time.

Cut Flowers Diagonally

Cut Flowers diagonally

Then flowers can absorb water better. Also ensure that leaves don’t hang or come in the water, to prevent bacteria.

take a clean vase

Take a clean fitting vase

It gives space to the stems and prevent bacteria in the water. Do not forget to add the flower food.

Flowers don't like wind and direct heat

Not next to the heater..

...in the wind or next to fruit. Due wind, heat and ethylene of fruit, flowers will weaken more quickly.


Small: The assembled bouquet is smaller than the bouquet shown in the photo.

Medium: This bouquet corresponds to the size of the bouquet shown in the photo.

Large: Our expert florist will expand this bouquet while maintaining the same colors and style as the bouquet shown.

XL (Extra Large): A generous and striking presentation that exceeds the previous sizes, with even more flowers and fragrance than the bouquet shown.

Remark For purchasing flowers our florists are dependent on auction prices, and the purchasing price of flowers increases due to market forces. As a result, it may unfortunately happen that the purchase price of some bouquets and roses around holidays and important occasions for flower gifts, such as Valentine's Day, International Women's Day, Mother's Day, or as a result of market conditions, is higher than what you are normally used to from us. This can result in a reduced amount of flowers in the bouquets.

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