Convey your loving message in a beautiful way with the Loving moment bouquet. This enchanting bouquet is truly a sight to behold, with its combination of pink, red and lilac tones.
The Loving moment bouquet has been put together with a lot of love and care by our local professional florist. We only use the most beautiful, fresh seasonal flowers of the moment, so that you are always assured of a bouquet of the highest quality.
Are you looking for the ultimate surprise? Then order our matching vase immediately, so that the recipient can immediately admire the bouquet in a beautiful setting. Or add an extra sweet touch with our delicious bonbons or chocolate.
Whether you want to congratulate someone, thank them or just let them know you are thinking of them, the Loving Moment bouquet is the perfect choice. Order today and let your loving message shine with this beautiful bouquet.
Vase is optional