Bouquet "Cheers to Beauty "
Order the stunning 'Cheers to Beauty' bouquet, beautifully crafted with a variety of colorful amaryllises, paired with a luxurious bottle of Bottega Gold prosecco and a personalized card. Expertly arranged by a skilled florist and delivered by your trusted local Fleurop florist. A perfect gift to make any celebration truly special.
- A colorful and festive bouquet Cheers to Beauty with seasonal flowers
- Includes a luxurious bottle of Bottega Gold Bubbly, packaged in an elegant golden bottle
- A perfect way to liven up any party and celebrate the new year
Optional Extra:
Complete the bouquet Cheers to Beauty with a stylish vase for a refined presentation.
Note: The bouquet's Cheers to Beauty composition may vary depending on availability, but our florists always ensure a stunning final result.