Discover the timeless elegance and enchanting beauty of our exquisite red roses bouquet. Overflowing with passion and romance, this stunning bouquet is the perfect expression of love and affection for any special occasion. Whether you're declaring your love on Valentine’s Day, celebrating an anniversary, or simply marking a memorable moment, these breathtaking red roses are guaranteed to leave a lasting impression.
Our bouquet is crafted with the finest Red Naomi roses, renowned for their large blooms, velvety petals, and delicate, sweet fragrance. With up to 80 petals per flower, these luxurious roses offer a full, opulent appearance, making them a true favorite for any red rose arrangement.
This elegant bouquet is available in three sizes:
- Small – 13 red roses
- Medium – 17 red roses
- Large – 21 red roses
Each bouquet is beautifully arranged with lush greenery for an extra touch of sophistication.
Tip: Add a matching vase to complete your surprise!