A beautiful bouquet of 100 large-flowered mixed roses of the highest quality can now be delivered by your local florist. This means you can enjoy the beauty and scent of fresh flowers without having to go to the store yourself. The composition of the colors of the roses can vary between 4 to 7 different colors of roses, depending on the available stock at our florist.
These roses have been carefully selected and lovingly assembled into a breathtaking bouquet that is guaranteed to impress. The vibrant colors and lush flowers create a cheerful and romantic atmosphere in any room.
As an additional option, a matching glass vase is also available, which fits perfectly with this beautiful bouquet. This allows you to immediately display the roses in a beautiful way, without having to worry about finding a suitable vase.
Order your bouquet of 100 large-flowered mixed roses of the highest quality today, including the optional glass vase, and have them delivered by your local florist. Enjoy the beauty and fragrance of these beautiful flowers and impress your loved ones with this breathtaking gift.