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You really want to give someone a nice surprise? Send a bouquet of mixed roses! mixed roses of your choice. Our local florist delivers your mixed roses whenever and wherever you want all throughout the Netherlands. Whether it is for Mother’s Day bouquet, Valentine’s day, Christmas or any other special occasion, mixed roses are the perfect gift to make someone happy. Are you also looking for a suitable gift to have delivered together with the roses? take a look in our gift shop for a nice bottle of wine or Champagne and roses, Whiskey, Chocolate bonbons or a beautiful Rituals gift package.
The rose is one of the most popular flowers in the world and it has become a real must-have for a birthday, Valentine's Day or Mother's Day. Elegant and sophisticated, it is known and recognized for its variety of colors and fragrance. The rose has a very strong symbolic significance.
The rose is one of the most popular flowers in the world and it has become a real must-have for a birthday, Valentine's Day or Mother's Day. Elegant and refined, it is known and recognized for its variety of colors and fragrances. Such as red roses, pink roses or white roses. The rose has a very strong symbolic meaning.
When you receive or give Mixed roses, you want to enjoy them as long as possible. We therefore give you a few tips, especially for your bouquet of Mixed roses:
Our florists also depend on auction prices for mixed roses, the purchasing price of red roses rises due to market forces. Unfortunately, this means that some bouquets and the mixed roses around Valentine's Day, Mothersday or Christmas are slightly higher in price than you are used to from us. You will also experience this at a local flower-shop.