Pamper yourself or surprise a loved one with a beautiful bouquet of 250 large-flowered mixed roses of the highest quality. Order this beautiful gesture from the local florist and enjoy the beauty and scent of these beautiful flowers.
The bouquet has been carefully composed to offer a mix of colors and varieties, making it a real eye-catcher. Whether you like romantic red roses, cheerful yellow roses or elegant white roses, this bouquet has something for everyone. The composition of the colors of the roses can vary between 4 to 7 different colors of roses, depending on the available stock at our florist.
To make the gift even more special, you can choose to add a matching glass vase. This vase ensures that the roses are beautifully presented and stay fresh for longer.
Let the local florist take care of you by having this beautiful bouquet delivered to your home. Not only is it a great gift for special occasions such as birthdays or anniversaries, but also perfect to cheer someone up or just to show that you are thinking of them.
Order your bouquet of 250 large-flowered mixed roses today and impress with these breathtaking flowers!