Do you want to surprise someone with a beautiful bouquet of mixed roses, but would you rather not have the bouquet put together in advance? With us you have the opportunity to create the perfect mixed rose bouquet yourself!
You decide which colors you want to add to the bouquet and in what quantities. Whether you want to combine the warm elegance of red roses with the tenderness of pink and the cheerfulness of yellow roses, the choice is all yours. Choose from a range of colors including red, pink, yellow, white, orange, and more.
Whether you want to put together a bouquet with 7, 10, 20, 50 or even 100 roses, we give you control over the end result. Each number and color can carry a special meaning, so you can convey your feelings in a unique and personal way.
All roses in the bouquet are carefully selected and arranged by hand by our experienced florist. We guarantee a 7-day vase guarantee, which ensures that your bouquet remains fresh and enchanting for a long time.
Let us know how you would like to put together your mixed rose bouquet, and we will ensure that it becomes a beautiful and heartfelt gift for your special occasion. Whether it is a romantic surprise, an anniversary celebration or another emotional message, we are ready to make your wishes come true.