Symphoricarpos - Care Tips

Snowberry in white, pink or rather purple-red?

Snowberry - Symphoricarpos.

In the fall and winter, when most plants and trees have lost their glory, the snowberry stands out with its clusters of white and pearl-shaped berries. This gives the berries a cheerful and graceful hue in dark places in the garden or public gardens throughout the winter. An easy-care plant for you in different varieties and colours.

Bouquet "Flaming Sun"



  • Use a sharp knife or secateurs to cut 3 to 5 centimeters from the stem.
  • Remove excess leaves and berries so that they don't hang in the water.
  • Put the branches in clean tap water in a clean vase.

Watch out for berries that have fallen off the stem, they can stain



Bunches of berries on a woody stem, like pearls at the end of a chain. Snowberry has something to do with that. The berries sometimes have a real pearly sheen and come in white (hence the name), various shades of pink or purple-red. They bloom in the second half of the year, there is a good chance that you can greet the snowberry at the florist during that period. The scientific name is Symphoricarpos by the way, if you want to impress the florist in question.


The name of the genus is derived from the ancient Greek translations of the words bear and fruit together. It refers to the tightly packed clusters of berries the species produces. There is a nice symbolism to this, such as a sweet collaboration or someone who is always there for you!


Snow branches grow on shrubs, native to North America. These shrubs belong to the honeysuckle family, or the Caprifoliaceae. The berries are also sometimes called blow berries, because they explode when you shoot them through a blowgun. Something we of course advise against. The white berries are also poisonous, so put them in a vase and keep them away from your mouth.